
Welcome to SparkIT – where tech meets sustainability with a smile! We are dedicated to redefining the role of technology in nurturing a greener planet.

Alpine vista with tall treelined mountains and an alpine lake

Our mission

To effortlessly integrate sustainability into IT practices for businesses of all sizes.

At SparkIT, we’re not just about solutions; we’re about sparking change. We work hand in hand with companies, guiding them towards reducing their digital carbon footprint. How do we do it? By weaving in smart strategies that minimize waste, boost efficiency, and introduce eco-friendly tech alternatives.

We’re proud to collaborate with a diverse network of partners who share our commitment to sustainable IT practices. Together, we innovate, exchange ideas, and collectively strive towards more environmentally responsible tech.

Our belief? That cutting-edge innovation can coexist beautifully with a commitment to the environment. Join us in reshaping the world of IT into a sustainable, eco-conscious realm. Together, let’s spark a brighter, greener future!

Fiona Leibundgut portrait photo

Meet Fiona

Founder of SparkIT

Hello! I’m Fiona, the brains and heart behind SparkIT. I’m a tech enthusiast with a passion for weaving sustainability into every byte of our digital world.

My journey began with a deep-rooted belief that technology can do wonders for the planet without leaving a hefty carbon footprint. With years of experience in IT and a fervent commitment to sustainability, I envisioned SparkIT as a catalyst for change in the way we use technology at work.

At SparkIT, I’m not just your consultant; I’m your partner in transforming the way we approach IT.

I’m dedicated to guiding businesses towards smarter, greener solutions, believing that small steps lead to significant change.

When I’m not diving into the world of IT sustainability, you’ll find me exploring new ways to blend technology with eco-conscious practices.

Let’s connect and chat about how we can make a positive impact together!

Schedule a discovery call

Have a project in mind? Schedule a 30 minute discovery call with Fiona to get started on your sustainable IT journey.

Schedule a call
Fiona Leibundgut portrait photo

Fiona Leibundgut