
We lead the changes needed for sustainable IT through our assessments, measuring what matters, to build a smarter, greener IT together.

A sunset landscape with a single tree in the foreground


Chart a comprehensive strategy for sustainable IT practice, set a unified vision and ignite your journey towards a greener IT environment.

How it works

Set the Vision

Your vision for IT Sustainability is unique to your organisation. With a well-defined and well-aligned vision in place, you can align efforts, inspire action and drive progress

Materiality Assessment

Conducting Materiality Assessment for IT provides a structured approach to identify and prioritise key sustainability issues within your IT organisation. Through stakeholder engagement, data analysis and strategic alignment, we help you focus your resources and efforts on the most significant impacts.


Out of the Materiality Assessment we will have a good idea of the needs and priorities, allowing us to tailor the next step in your journey. With a roadmap in hand, you can navigate the complexities of sustainable IT transformation with confidence, knowing each step brings you closer to achieving your vision.

Lifecycle Assessment

IT Lifecycle Assessments (LCAs) provide a holistic view of your technology’s environmental impact, from raw material extraction to end of life disposal. LCAs give you a data driven view of levers for change and greatest impact areas. Make informed decision for a greener IT ecosystem.

How it works

Data Collection and Analysis

Time to get serious about data – you can’t change what you can’t measure. Together we will gather key IT landscape data across your user environment, printing, phones, LAN, WAN, datacentres, cloud and others.

Environmental Impact Evaluation

Based on the inputs we will evaluate the full life cycle assessment, covering all nine planetary boundaries – not just carbon emissions.

Recommendations for Sustainable Practices

The results may surprise you, and our prioritised list of recommendations will give you a good idea of where to get started. It might be extending device lifecycles, rethinking your data centre and cloud strategies or updating your governance.


Operationalise your green aspirations. We work closely with your teams to embed sustainability into everyday IT operations, ensuring efficiency, resilience and environmental responsibility.

How it works

Democratise Sustainability

Foster a culture of inclusivity and empowerment to ensure that sustainability becomes a shared responsibility. Engage your teams by providing training and promoting collaboration.


Empower data-driven decision making across the IT organisation by integrating the sustainability metrics into existing processes, dashboards and governance. This could mean requesting environmental metrics from your top suppliers, including energy and water consumption data in infrastructure dashboards or nudging user decisions with data at their fingertips.

Measuring Impact

Quantify the impact of all your hard work to demonstrate progress and accountability. Set objectives and key results (OKRs) aligned to your vision and strategy that will track the tangible outcomes, such as reduced emissions, cost savings and employee retention.

Green Leadership Development

Equip your leadership with the knowledge they need to stay informed and impact aware. Invite your senior management to an engaging workshop tailored for IT and Sustainability leaders in your organisation.

How it works

In just a few hours we will learn about the impacts of technology from cradle to grave, reflect on our own impact and brainstorm ideas for reducing environmental and social harm.


The workshop is hands on and collaborative, designed for small groups to develop collective knowledge and is great way to introduce the subject to people with busy schedules.





Alpine vista with tall treelined mountains and an alpine lake

Not sure where to get started?

Reach out to us now for a tailored workshop to discover if SparkIT is for you. In our first hours together we will discuss your needs and readiness, and deep dive into current trends in digitalisation and sustainability.

Schedule a discovery call

Have a project in mind? Schedule a 30 minute discovery call with Fiona to get started on your sustainable IT journey.

Schedule a call
Fiona Leibundgut portrait photo

Fiona Leibundgut